Friday, May 16, 2014

Critical Thinking Blog Post #3- Research Paper Topic Brainstorming

            For my research paper, I am interest in how robots and clones are portraying in films. Robots and clones are two very different topics because I believe that human clones are closer to be more like humans than robots. Most films are focus on robots, such as, The Terminator, is a popular film, known as, how robots came to empower humankind but one has managed to wonder how humans feel. Robots are machines that act like a computer and not like humans. One scene from The Terminator inspires me to research about artificial intelligence. John told the Terminator that he was feeling sad for not being able to be with his dad. After the Terminator asked what was sad and wonder about the emotion of sad. When John answer him, “Have you ever felt sad or pain?” made me realize that artificial intelligence are smarter than humans but can’t feel emotions like humans can.
            A popular TV show called Orphan Black is about a young woman named, Sarah Manning, that experience seeing a woman, who looks like her, jump in front of the train. As Sarah took over the woman’s life, she finds out that the woman has been in contact with other women who looks like her. Sarah meets Alison, who is a soccer mom, and she then meets Cosima, who is college student with a biology major. They all learn that they are someone’s experiment who created clones and many other clones are out there around the world. Questions started rising to my mind as the show continues. I started to wonder that if cloning were possible, then there would be no difference to determine if someone is a clone.  Beside the fact that clones act more like humans than artificial intelligence, is what are the benefits of cloning? Clones are just copies and not the original, so what would happen if the organs of a clone don’t function properly like a humans? These questions encourage me to find the answer and learn more about human cloning.

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