Sunday, May 18, 2014

Critical Thinking Blog Post #5 - The Promise and Peril of Robots in Film, TV and Real life: Friends or Foes?

                Every movie that portrays robots or artificial intelligence differently as in some movies could be fictional than realistic. For example, some movies can express robots fictional by showing them more as humans. The movie iRobot shows on how the robots walk like us and put to work in labor just as how humans used to work. These iRobot have fingers and hands that move like humans. If these robots had skin on them, then they will definitely pass by as humans because the know how to movie like humans. This movie proves Ray Kurzweil and Philip K. Dick theory on how artificial intelligence can overpower humans and take over. An army of iRobot formed; some turn against the humans. They try to fight back because they don’t feel free.  This movie doesn’t proves David Gelernter theory on how artificial intelligence can’t show emotions by facial expressions. The artificial intelligence can movie their fingers, and can make facial expressions by showing a smile or show when they are angry. This makes the robots be fictional because I think robots can’t move that much because they are made out of metal.
                The Terminator is more sort of a realistic fiction movie because it proves the theories of Ray Kurzweil, Philip K. Dick and David Gelernter. The Terminator does out smart humans because they can do things that human can’t and are human in the outside but mainly more machine. The only human characteristic the Terminator has is the skin of a human but the rest is made of wires and computer. The Terminator doesn’t have emotions or show facial expressions or even have memories but information. The Terminator is something more possible to create in the future because machines are made of metal and metal doesn’t move that. It be easy to if it’s an machine or not by seeing how smart it is.

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