Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Critical Thinking Blog Post #6 - Sharing and Reflecting on Two Sources

                    The topic of my research paper is about human cloning and how it violates ethical views as well how technology is not advance enough to be safe to use on humans. I will be analyzing the movie Never Let Me Go and how it portrays human cloning.

Source #1: 


                  The title of this source is "Could Never Let Me Go Give Human Clones a Good Name?" and the author is John Patterson. I found this source by LexisNexis. This is relevant to my research because it’s a movie review on the film Never Let Me Go.  The author argues that this film done a good job on showing clones can have soul and actually be like human beings. This information adds to my paper because I agree that human clones are just like human beings because they get to feel and have experiences. I choose this source because it clarifies more about how human cloning violates ethical views. 

Source #2:


                   The title of this source is “Human Reproductive Cloning: A Conflict Of Liberties” and the author is Joyce C. Havstad. I found this source by academic search complete. This source provides that human cloning can have crisis of identity and not the freedom of self-determination. The author also points out that this can lead to psychological harm. Havstad also believes that human cloning should happen unless ethical views aren’t violated. This information provides more evidence on my paper because of the ethical views Havstad is pointing out.


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